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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

What is Washi tape?????

March 8th Meeting. We will be meeting at Marcella's. Drop-in social get-together will start at 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Business meeting will start at 1:30 P.M. Bring a lunch.
The Highlight of the February meeting featured Bonnie and Sally lecturing all about Washi Tape.  
We learned that washi tape originated in Japan many years ago. It is a removable tape that can be used over and over to hold down pieces and parts of a design. The modern washi tapes have their own colorful printed designs and can be used as permanent adornments and trims if glue is added to the back. Sally and Bonnie also covered the tips, tricks and techniques for usage on many kinds of artistic creations and brought examples. We are hoping to have a make it and take it session where we can utilize those techniques.
This is one of Bonnie's samples that incorporated washi tape embellishments.  
If you return to previous posts, you will see many books and pages where Sally has used washi tape. It is one of her favorite go-to things! This sample includes watercolors, inks, and washi tape on watercolor paper. 
She handed out copies of this print of even more ideas.  
Our March enrichment session will be led by Geri and will be all about making vintage cards trimmed with silk or other types of edgings. This book she made displays pages of cards she decorated with vintage graphics and trims. 
Show and Tell 
The recent challenge from Betts was to make and decorate a house representing "Home is where your heart is."
Colleen painted these whimsical, happy and colorful houses. 
Suzanne D., our avid quilter, displayed a placemat she decorated with a house and tree.
Marcella glued various papers together to construct this 3d house. 
Caroline spent many hours constructing her fabric house pin cushion, using a pattern she has collected. It was labor intensive but well worth the effort.
Sue is a whiz at using Photo Shop and used it to embellish a photo she took of the house her daughter just purchased. It includes some upgrades and improvements they plan to make.
Sally's birdcage house is so cute...a combination of paint and sketched ink, i
t's a happy home for these four birds.
Donna hasn't finished her "home" challenge yet, but was reminded of a fabulous 3d house booklet Sharon gave her for Halloween some years ago.
It is amazing!
It reminded Donna of a Phoebe altered book class that was taught by a local artist some time ago. 
She taught us to glue pages together, remove pages, and use tiny match boxes to put movable drawers in the book.
Several months ago, Sally taught us another technique to make a book and how to bind and decorate it. This is the one Donna completed.
And she just added some ink outlines and graphics to the cover of a booklet from Jennifer's book binding enrichment last year. 
Donna also made these two wall hangers, each created from two antique book covers. They are great for holding mail (or bills to be paid). 

Ann brought a sample of the adorable angels she made as a toy designer...
and, a flying pig. So cute and happy! Daisy will be leading enrichment in November, and we will be making flying pigs. Ann is ahead of us all!
Suzanne R completed her doll from the Christy Silacci enrichment. Cute cat! Thank you for sharing. 
Bonnie brought a blast from the past. These are some of the first Flying Phoebe name tags, dating back to 1987 I believe. Bonnie and the late elinor peace bailey were the founders of the Phoebes, and elinor was the designer of the Flying Phoebe doll and logo. We are all so thankful that they created this wonderful group!
Geri has been putting together a little house booklet. She is filling the pages with memories of various parts of her life. She now has 8 separate parts.
Shawn displayed some of the interesting items she has been collecting and recycling. This wearable collection is perfect to bring some happiness to people who are in need of a little cheer. 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Happy New Year to One and All

February 8th Meeting. We will be meeting at Marcella's. Drop-in social get-together will start at 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Business meeting will start at 1:30 P.M.
The February enrichment will be led by Sally, who will teach us all about the use of washi tape. If you already have some, by all means bring it. But if you don't, there will be other members who will gladly share with you. 

The Wonderful December Christmas Party at Barbara's.
Once again Barbara treated the Phoebes to a joyful party featuring favors, fabulous food, and materials to create a very cute paper Christmas dress. Thank you so much, dear Barbara, for a very special and memorable Christmas Celebration!

January Enrichment
The January enrichment was led by Anne. It was all about the creation of Christy Silacci's famous one-of-a-kind dolls. Anne, as well as a number of other members, have purchased Christy's whimsical dolls over the years and they treasure them dearly. Each doll is made using an original pattern, often drawn with one's none dominate hand. Next comes sewing and stuffing the doll and embellishing it with all types of bits and pieces. They are really fun to make, and we all are so glad Anne suggested this project and guided us in its process. Thank you, Anne!!!!!
Daisy and "bunnie" were having fun planning and constructing their dolls.
Suzanne D was really fast at assembling her doll.
Some of Anne's creative dolls.
And more made by Anne...
and more...
and more...
and more...

Donna created three dolls at a former play day at Rosie's. 
Marcella has made quite a few herself. 
 Caroline's dachshund. 
The numbers are endless...

and they are all so cute!
The grand finale is 3 more examples from our super artist and designer...Anne!

Show and Tell
(By the way...the theme of this month's challenge was whimsey. Almost everything displayed in this post is whimsical! Good going, ladies!)
Bett's made a box that shares some of her favorite things and Barbara displayed her paper booklet with a beautiful lady on the front.
Geri beautifully decorated  a round box...
as well as a beautiful card and fan she assembled...
and another lovely box!
Sally shared her whimsical painting...a combination of watercolor and collage.
Bonnie brought a wonderful journal which features painting, collage and whimsical embellishments that she individually created.
The theme is buildings and houses surrounded trees and flowers. 

Daisy made a whimsical angel...
and an adorable flying pig!
Sally shared examples of her latest great find online. She has been ordering books of paper dolls and wonderful graphics perfect for collage. Go to the "Collage Soup" website or order them on Amazon. 
Sue offered us these cute little Rudolf the Reindeer pins she had made "just for fun" over the holidays.  Thank you, Sue!