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Wednesday, November 23, 2011
EJ Taylor Workshop - October
Monday, September 12, 2011
September News
Calendar of Events
Sept. 10, Tinsel & Treasures, Sat., 9 A.M. to 3 P.M., Alamo Women’s Club, 1401 Danville Blvd., Alamo, $3 admission
Sept. 15, Phoebe Members Meeting, 7 P.M., bring bookstore display dolls
Sept. 15–17, Bay Area Quilt, Craft & Sewing Festival, Thurs. thru Sat., 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., San Mateo Event Center, 1346 Saratoga, San Mateo
Sept. 16–17, Harvest Festival, Fri/Sat 10 A.M. to 6 P.M., Sun 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., Alameda County Fairgrounds, $9 adults; $7 seniors; $4 youth 13-17, under 12 free
Sept. 24, Halloween and Vine, Hermann Sons Hall, 860 Western Ave., Petaluma, $5 admission
Sept. 24, Art-is-You, Sheraton Sonoma County, 745 Baywood Dr., Petaluma, 6 P.M.–9 P.M. Phoebe Sharon Martin is participating in this trunk show and sale. Vendors will be selling finished art such as collages, assemblages, art quilts, steam punk jewelry, altered art, art papers, kits, beads, frippery, collage sheets, fibers, yarns, fabrics, unique vintage items and original flea market finds. Entry is free to all, with a donation to AIY’s chosen charity.
Sept. 30–Oct. 2, Sierra Art Trails, Yosemite Foothills Open Studio Tour. Visit for details.
Oct. 1–31, Phoebe Halloween Window Display, “The Book Shop,” B Street, Hayward
Oct. 9, Fall Antiques & Collectibles Street Faire, Main Street, Pleasanton, 8 A.M. to 4 P.M., Free
Oct. 20, Sally Lampi’s Needle Sculpting Class, Boy Scouts of America Building, 1001 Davis Street, San Leandro. Contact Colleen
Oct. 20, Member/Associate Meeting, 7 p.m., Girls and Boys Club of San Leandro, 401 Marina Blvd., San Leandro. Highlight of the evening will be the Annual Phoebe Auction. Donate items; bring friends (and your check book) and shop!
Oct. 27, K.C.Willis Mixed Media Book Class. If you missed her recent class, sign up early for the next time she will be in our area. Her classes fill up fast! Go to for details.
Nov. 11–13, The Women’s Building Celebration of Craftswomen, Fri.–Sun., 10 A.M.–5 P.M., $9 adults: $7 seniors; under 12 free. A number of Phoebes will be participating in the “Go Figure, Dolls & Mixed Media” booth.
Nov. 12–13, BABE (Bay Area Bead Extravaganza), Sat. 10 A.M.–6 P.M., Sun. 10 A.M.–5 P.M., Oakland Marriott City Center Hotel, 10th & Broadway, Oakland (at 12th St., Bart Exit).
To check out current events and exhibits in our area, don’t forget to check out on a regular basis!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
So Many Fantastic Dolls at the July Meeting!

There were so many wonderful dolls brought to the Associate Meeting on July 21st...the tables were crowded with fabulous creatures. We have so many talented members, and associates!

Some were scarey or Halloween inspired—brought for the October month-long window display at The Book Store in Hayward. Some were made from cloth, some from clay, and some a combination of the two.

There were goblins, witches, devils, owls, and pumpkin people.

Other dolls were the finished results from the Akira Blount Class in April.

Laurie gave an enrichment presentation on how to make top hats for dolls. Very clever, that Laurie! Thank you!
Daisy Kiehn's Yoga Doll Class

Daisy Kiehn's class on posing dolls in July offered the Phoebe's a chance to learn the finer points on sculpting and shaping cloth dolls to more realistically represent the human body. Using Daisy's pattern, or one of our own, we posed our dolls in Yoga poses.... a challenge at first, but a great learning experience. Daisy is a master, as you can see in the photo of her feline-like figure on a pumpkin.

Suzanne nearly finished her doll in class, and it shows her skill at assembling and posing, as well as her great use of fabric and surface design to enhance the visual effect.

Donna used a pattern of her own, in the Tree Pose, and finished it after class.

Using Batik prints, the dolls were vibrant with color. A variety of fibers and yarn were used for hair.

Great job, Phoebes! Thank You, Daisy! We learned a lot!
Alameda Fair Free "Make It and Take It" Day

On July 9th, the Phoebes held their annual community outreach event at the Alameda County Fair. Always a smashing (free) event, the attendance was (as usual) terrific!

Children, teens, mothers, fathers, and grandparents all joined in the fun and poked through the Phoebe stash to find stump doll bodies and clay faces of their choice, and then proceeded to explore the many piles and bins of possibilities for embellishment.

So many choices... fabrics, fibers, ribbons and trims, feathers, leather, sequins and gems, buttons... the list was endless!

The Phoebes manning the glue gun table were kept busy by a steady stream of dolls in various stages of completion needing more embellishment.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Calendar of Events for July 2011
Daisy Kiehn's Yoga Doll Class. Contact Colleen Patell at
July 21:
Member/Associate Joint Meeting, 7 p.m., Girls and Boys Club of San Leandro, 401 Marina Blvd., San Leandro. Challenge: Bring a doll for the October bookstore window display. Exchange: a decorated pen or pencil.
September 30—Oct. 2
Sierra Art Trails, Yosemite Foothills Open Studio Tour. Visit for details.
October 1-31
Phoebe Halloween Window Display, "The Book Shop," B Street, Hayward
October 20
Sally Lampi's Needle Sculpting Class, Boy Scouts of America Building, 1001 Davis Street, San Leandro. Contact Colleen at
October 20
Member/Associate Joint Meeting, 7 p.m., Girls and Boys Club of San Leandro, 401 Marina Blvd., San Leandro. Highlight of the evening will be the Annual Phoebe Auction. Donate items. Remember to bring all your friends and shop. Join the fun and excitement!
Akira Blount 5-Day Workshop for Phoebes

Below, Colleen is seen working on one of the many dolls she made at the workshop.
The next photo shows Akira (on the right) demonstrating a technique to Marcella.

Friday, May 6, 2011
Spring Is Here At Last... And It's Filled With Inspiration

Ongoing–June 5, Pulp Fashion, the Art of Isabelle de Borchgrave. Fabulous period fashions constructed from paper. Legion of Honor, SF. Go to
Ongoing–July 4, Balenciaga and Spain. The haute couture of Spain’s master designer. De Young, SF. Go to
May 19, Vogue Doll Company Factory Tour. Carpool and meet in Oakdale at 11 a.m. $45 per person includes lunch, a doll, and a goodie bag. Contact Diane Joseph at for reservations and tickets.
May 19, Phoebe Members’ Meeting. At Marcella’s after return from Vogue Factory tour
May 27–31, Five-day Akira Blount Doll Class. Contact Colleen Patell at See Akira’s work at
June 1–June 30, Phoebe Flower Dolls Window Display. “The Book Shop,” B Street, Hayward
June 4, Spring Craft Sale. Saturday, June 4, 8 a.m.– 3 p.m., 12224 Santa Teresa Dr, San Ramon, CA 94583. See newsletter article on pg. 5 for details.
June 4–5, East Bay Open Studios. Phoebes exhibiting dolls at Wanda’s Goose Cottage, 1610 Minturn, Alameda, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
June 11–12, Live Oak Park Fair. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., 1301 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley. Several Phoebes are exhibiting and selling dolls and other works of art. Go to
June 16, Phoebe Members’ Meeting. Noon lunch at Shirley’s
July 9, Phoebe Outreach Day at the Alameda County Fair. Contact Diane Joseph, to participate
July 21, Daisy Kiehn’s Yoga Doll Class. Contact Colleen Patell at
Oct. 20, Member/Associate Meeting. 7 p.m., Girls and Boys Club of San Leandro, 401 Marina Blvd. Highlight of the evening will be the Annual Phoebe Auction. Donate items; bring friends and shop!
Decorate a pen or pencil—add a doll head or a special embellishment? You decide!
Fall Auction
Are you organizing your “stash?” Don’t throw or give that away! The Phoebes have an auction coming up. The auction was quite a success last year—but we can do better! Dig around and see what you can find that you know someone else is just drooling to have. This means you too, associates! We really want you to be involved—books, patterns, fabric, trims—anything (well almost anything) goes. And, remember to let your friends know about this upcoming event. Everyone is welcome!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Spring! New Friends, New Projects, New Possibilities

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
So Many Opportunities For Fun!
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Ongoing through June 5, “Pulp Fashion, The Art of Isabelle deBorchgrave,” Legion of Honor, S.F. These are costumes made from paper.
April 9, "The Original Rubber Stamp Convention" Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Go to
Apr. 21, Donna Perry Crown Construction Class, 9:30 a.m., Boy Scouts Bldg., 1001 Davis St., San Leandro
Apr. 21, Associate Meeting, Boys & Girls Club, 401 Marina Blvd., San Leandro, 7 p.m. Enrichment: Donna Perry, "Embellishment Techniques." Challenge: A flower doll for the July bookstore display. Exchange: Buttons, or an item embellished with buttons.
April 28–May 1, Artistic Figures in Cloth, Columbus, OH,
May 27–31, Five-day Akira Blount Doll Class. Contact Colleen Patell.
June 4–5, East Bay Open Studios, Phoebes exhibiting in Wanda’s garden in Alameda
June 11–12, Berkeley Live Oak Park Fair, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
June 23-25, Quilting, Stitches & Crafts, Reno, NV,
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Starting Off a New Year!

The next workshop to be offered by the Flying Phoebes will be held on April 21, starting at 9:30 a.m. at the Boy Scouts of America Building, 1001 Davis Street, San Leandro. Donna Perry will be teaching the construction and embellishment of crowns made from fabric, as well as paper. The first photo is of a crown made of lace fabric and embellished with ribbon rosettes, costume jewelry, a vintage photograph, metallic trim and silk and paper flowers. The pink bithday crown is made from cardboard, scrapbooking papers, paper pinwheels and crepe paper rosettes. Class participants will learn new embellishment techniques using foil, glitter and Angelina fibers, as well as making pinwheels and rosettes from fabric and paper. For more crown photos, go to The class is $40 per person. Contact Colleen Patell at to sign up.
- Saturday, Feb. 5—Beginning Doll Making Class for Adults, FREE, 1 to 4 p.m., Quilt Fans, 2205 Harbor Bay Parkway, Alameda (510 749-6717). Contact Mary Porter Vaughan at
- Feb. 25 to Mar. 7—Cruising 11 Days With Soft Dolls, Patti Culea, Cyndi Mahlstadt, Adele Sciorntino,
- Feb. 27 to Mar. 3—Art and Soul Retreat, Las Vegas:
- Mar. 5, 6—Oakland Museum White Elephant Sale
- Mar. 5, 6—Manteca Quilt and Doll Show,
- Mar. 24 to 26—Rusty Barn Quilt Show, Sacramento Fairgrounds
- Thursday, Apr. 21—Phoebe Associate Meeting, Boys and Girls Club, 401 Marina Blvd., San Leandro. Enrichment: Donna Perry will demonstrate new materials for foiling and glittering on fabric, and making Angelina embellishments using rubber stamps. The challenge for the meeting will be to make a doll based on flowers—made of flowers, dressed in flowers, or in a flowerpot. These dolls will be exhibited in "The Book Shop" window display in July. The exchange for the April meeting is someing incorporating buttons. The interpretation is up to you, but possibilities could include a couple of exquisite buttons, a button bracelet or necklace, a string of unique buttons, a card of doll buttons, or a small handmade item using buttons. It is always exciting to see the varied and wonderful items created in response to an exchange or a challenge!
- Apr. 28 to May 1—Artistic Figures in Cloth, Columbus, OH,
- May 27 to June 1—Five-day Akira Blount Doll Class presented by the Flying Phoebes. Contact Colleen Patell and