Calendar of Events
Ongoing–June 5, Pulp Fashion, the Art of Isabelle de Borchgrave. Fabulous period fashions constructed from paper. Legion of Honor, SF. Go to http://www.famsf.org/
Ongoing–July 4, Balenciaga and Spain. The haute couture of Spain’s master designer. De Young, SF. Go to http://www.famsf.org/
May 19, Vogue Doll Company Factory Tour. Carpool and meet in Oakdale at 11 a.m. $45 per person includes lunch, a doll, and a goodie bag. Contact Diane Joseph at cwlwld@pacbell.net for reservations and tickets.
May 19, Phoebe Members’ Meeting. At Marcella’s after return from Vogue Factory tour
Ongoing–June 5, Pulp Fashion, the Art of Isabelle de Borchgrave. Fabulous period fashions constructed from paper. Legion of Honor, SF. Go to http://www.famsf.org/
Ongoing–July 4, Balenciaga and Spain. The haute couture of Spain’s master designer. De Young, SF. Go to http://www.famsf.org/
May 19, Vogue Doll Company Factory Tour. Carpool and meet in Oakdale at 11 a.m. $45 per person includes lunch, a doll, and a goodie bag. Contact Diane Joseph at cwlwld@pacbell.net for reservations and tickets.
May 19, Phoebe Members’ Meeting. At Marcella’s after return from Vogue Factory tour
May 21, KC Willis Collage Class, San Jose. Class space is still available. Go to www.studioretreats.ning.com/page/kc-on-the-road-2011 to sign up.
May 27–31, Five-day Akira Blount Doll Class. Contact Colleen Patell at colleen.patell@gmail.com See Akira’s work at http://www.akirastudios.com/
June 1–June 30, Phoebe Flower Dolls Window Display. “The Book Shop,” B Street, Hayward
June 4, Spring Craft Sale. Saturday, June 4, 8 a.m.– 3 p.m., 12224 Santa Teresa Dr, San Ramon, CA 94583. See newsletter article on pg. 5 for details.
June 4–5, East Bay Open Studios. Phoebes exhibiting dolls at Wanda’s Goose Cottage, 1610 Minturn, Alameda, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
June 11–12, Live Oak Park Fair. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., 1301 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley. Several Phoebes are exhibiting and selling dolls and other works of art. Go to http://www.liveoakparkfair.com/
June 16, Phoebe Members’ Meeting. Noon lunch at Shirley’s
May 27–31, Five-day Akira Blount Doll Class. Contact Colleen Patell at colleen.patell@gmail.com See Akira’s work at http://www.akirastudios.com/
June 1–June 30, Phoebe Flower Dolls Window Display. “The Book Shop,” B Street, Hayward
June 4, Spring Craft Sale. Saturday, June 4, 8 a.m.– 3 p.m., 12224 Santa Teresa Dr, San Ramon, CA 94583. See newsletter article on pg. 5 for details.
June 4–5, East Bay Open Studios. Phoebes exhibiting dolls at Wanda’s Goose Cottage, 1610 Minturn, Alameda, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
June 11–12, Live Oak Park Fair. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., 1301 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley. Several Phoebes are exhibiting and selling dolls and other works of art. Go to http://www.liveoakparkfair.com/
June 16, Phoebe Members’ Meeting. Noon lunch at Shirley’s
June 23–25, Quilting, Stitches & Crafts. Reno, NV, www.qscexpos.com/reno
July 9, Phoebe Outreach Day at the Alameda County Fair. Contact Diane Joseph, cwlwld@pacbell.net to participate
July 21, Daisy Kiehn’s Yoga Doll Class. Contact Colleen Patell at colleen.patell@gmail.com
Sept. 8-10, Ohio Sewing & Quilt Festival, Cincinnati, OH. Order Classes online now! Go to www.qscexpos.com/cincinnati.htm
Oct 1–31, Phoebe Halloween Window Display. “The Book Shop,” B Street, Hayward
Oct. 20, Sally Lampi’s Needle Sculpting Class. Boy Scouts of America Building, 1001 Davis Street, San Leandro. Contact Colleen Patell at colleen.patell@gmail.com
Oct. 20, Member/Associate Meeting. 7 p.m., Girls and Boys Club of San Leandro, 401 Marina Blvd. Highlight of the evening will be the Annual Phoebe Auction. Donate items; bring friends and shop!
Oct. 20, Member/Associate Meeting. 7 p.m., Girls and Boys Club of San Leandro, 401 Marina Blvd. Highlight of the evening will be the Annual Phoebe Auction. Donate items; bring friends and shop!
President’s Letter
Over the last few months, I have been putting in 12-hour days at work and have had very little time to play. The only time I’ve had to really just put work out of my mind was when I attended Donna’s crown class and went to the Phoebe meeting. It reminded me to play more often and not take work so seriously. Donna is a generous teacher and shared lots and lots of techniques in the class and at the evening enrichment.
Meeting night is always fun. I get to sit up in the front and see all your friendly faces and it reminds me of how lucky I am to be associated with such wonderful, creative, extraordinary people. Where else can I go and be completed, supported and understood because I love to play with dolls? The generosity we have to share our gifts and talents with each other is not something that happens often. I was totally overwhelmed when Cynthia and Star Urioste brought in 400 completed dolls for our annual fair event—a gift of time and effort that is amazing.Thank you both very much.
The next day I received a lovely e-mail from Stephanie Smith, who has generously offered her store window in San Francisco to the club for a doll display. Here is another avenue to show our work and, if we are lucky, find a few doll makers in San Francisco looking for a doll group to join. Stephanie is a new associate to the club and shared several of her beautiful dolls with us at the meeting.
See you all at the next meeting in July, Laurie
Challenge for July
We had a great response to the flower doll request for the June window. In October, we will be creating a Halloween display of dolls at the Hayward bookstore. While this is early—early is better! What says “Halloween” to you? Sweet-faced pumpkin tots? Scary zombies? Bats? Witches—either good or bad? Start planning your entry now!
Exchange for July
Decorate a pen or pencil—add a doll head or a special embellishment? You decide!
Decorate a pen or pencil—add a doll head or a special embellishment? You decide!
Fall Auction
Are you organizing your “stash?” Don’t throw or give that away! The Phoebes have an auction coming up. The auction was quite a success last year—but we can do better! Dig around and see what you can find that you know someone else is just drooling to have. This means you too, associates! We really want you to be involved—books, patterns, fabric, trims—anything (well almost anything) goes. And, remember to let your friends know about this upcoming event. Everyone is welcome!
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