Daisy Kiehn's class on posing dolls in July offered the Phoebe's a chance to learn the finer points on sculpting and shaping cloth dolls to more realistically represent the human body. Using Daisy's pattern, or one of our own, we posed our dolls in Yoga poses.... a challenge at first, but a great learning experience. Daisy is a master, as you can see in the photo of her feline-like figure on a pumpkin.

Suzanne nearly finished her doll in class, and it shows her skill at assembling and posing, as well as her great use of fabric and surface design to enhance the visual effect.

Donna used a pattern of her own, in the Tree Pose, and finished it after class.

Using Batik prints, the dolls were vibrant with color. A variety of fibers and yarn were used for hair.

Great job, Phoebes! Thank You, Daisy! We learned a lot!
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