Our hearts are broken! Our dear member Harlene has unexpectedly passed away. She will always be in our hearts as we remember her kindness, inspiration, creativity, and generosity in sharing her wonderful talents, including the lovely handmade gifts she gave to us. Her favorite decorative motifs were butterflies, and each time we see one, we will think of her. She also often used them to make exquisite jewelry and decorate the many original vests she designed and wore. We will miss her always.
May 11 Meeting, (Saturday). We will be meeting at Marcella's. Drop-in social get-together will start at 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Business meeting will start at 1:30 P.M. Sue will be demonstrating how to make decorated glass or plastic bottles or jars, using chalk paint, tissue paper and Mod Podge. Below are samples of possibilities (other examples may be found on last month's blog post). Start gathering together your materials. Check your emails for additional information.

Remembering Harlene
To honor Harlene and express our remembrance, we decided to wear butterflies, vests, or her jewelry at our April meeting, as shown in the following photos.
Suzanne D wore a vest.
Suzanne R wore a Love pin that Harlene made and gave to all of us.
Geri wore a flower pin Harlene gave her.
Sue wore one of Harlene's necklaces.
Daisy wore a bird pin.And, Marcella wore a creative vest.
Sharon and her friend Linda conducted this month's enrichment session. They brought a ton of materials, including ephemera, vintage linens, and lace for members to use to decorate a file folder, like the examples shown in last month's blog post.
There was not enough time to complete them at the meeting, but we will be looking forward to seeing them at next month's meeting.
Show and Tell

Suzanne R displayed two tiny Deb Shitil pins from last month's enrichment. So tiny and challenging to create from wee pieces of fabric and very small beads.
Anne made a larger sized red bird, and assisted with Suzanne's pin, also seen above.
Anne made a larger sized red bird, and assisted with Suzanne's pin, also seen above.
Shawn collected this metal ball, which has different facial expressions on each side and was made in China. An unusual treasure.
Suzanne D displayed this quilt she made for her quilting group's "Hot Tamale" challenge. The fabric is a unique print designed by Wranglers jean company.

Bonnie, and her group of crafters (Sally, Barbara, and Betts) have challenges almost every month. They each have their own media preference, whether it is created on backgrounds of paper or cloth, and entails the use of sewing, gluing or painting artistic designs.
This is a decorated box top with a pattern piece, buttons and ribbon, created by Bonnie.

A great example of Sally's painting, stamping, and collage.
Sally's watercolor painting.
A combination of painting, stamping and collage by Sally.

Betts combined two challenges (one called "Better than Prozac" to exemplify the calming effect of creating art, and one using a paper bag). The result was a die-cut flat doll created on a paper bag who is shown peeking through a window, waiting for her Door Dash delivery from Taco Bell. lol
Barbara brought a copy of Ali Fergusons book Cloth Stories. It is a magical tour of old fabrics, stories of heart and home, and dreams and memories, all stitched together in bits of old cloth.

It is a must have for any of you of like mind and those who desire an inspiration to play!
Caroline exhibited one of her wonderful cross strap bags and a tiny Shitil-like pin, which incorporates fabric with a Golden State Warriors logo. She has used the same fabric to make small wallets like the ones below, which she has been selling to her Warrior fan friends.

Caroline's daughter, Jennifer, sewed the blue floral wallet above, and received the other one in a quilting exchange.
Caroline cut out and sewed together a number of these cloth baskets for a recent event at her church. A nice keepsake for the recipients.
Marcella displayed this colorful "Harlene" envelope.
Daisy has been busy once again, making flags for a coming Girl Scout gathering.
They are created on paper towel tubes and based on African animals.

Sharon's friend Linda, who helped Sharon with the enrichment session, also displayed a wonderful cigar box she has recently decorated. This photo shows the intricate collage on the top. I hope she will consider leading us in an enrichment session so that we may make some for ourselves.
Suzanne R shared this photo taken at the Cotton Patch fabric store in Lafayette. These ladies have been making exquisite wardrobes and accessories for dolls for many years. Twice a year, in April and October, they gather to box up their creations and send them, along with a doll, to young girls in hospitals. Phoebes Suzanne and Rosie in particular have contributed time and energy, and the Phoebes club has donated funds.
The following note was written by Harlene and accompanied the butterflies she made and gave to us. Bless you!
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