The highlight of the meeting was Sharon's enrichment session. She generously supplied all the materials (beautiful fabrics including silks, as well as laces, trims, buttons, and glue) needed to create a one-of-a-kind fabric page. The challenge was to create a fabric collage and add one special personal embellishment we each brought from home. The results were beautiful. Some were finished (see photos below) and the others we hope to see and photograph at our next gathering in October. Thank you, Sharon, for a truly wonderful experience which everyone thoroughly enjoyed!
October 8, (Saturday), 1 to 5 P.M, Phoebe's Annual Anniversary Potluck Celebration at Christ Episcopal Church, 1700 Santa Clara, Alameda, (parking entrance on Grand). Please bring a sweet or savory dish to share. Daisy will lead an enrichment session. Please bring a Fall or Thanksgiving-themed greeting card if you wish to participate in the card exchange. And don't forget to bring your fabric pages that you have completed since the September meeting so that they can be photographed for the next blog post.
November 12 (Saturday) at Marcella's. Drop-in Social Get-together 11:00 to 1:30, Business Meeting at 1:30 P.M.
December 10, 11 A.M. (Saturday) Christmas Party at Barbara's Studio. Barbara will teach us to make a dainty paper shoe. Watch for details in the Phoebe Newsletter and the meeting minutes.
Brown Bag Challenge
We previously exchanged brown bags with at least 6 items from our stashes. The challenge was to choose a bag, take it home, and create anything by including at least 4 of the items in the bag, and then bringing the result to this meeting.
This photo is the lovely doll Caroline made with some of the items from Sharon, which are also displayed. Caroline used one of the very popular and famous patterns designed by Tilda.
Daisy chose from her items and created a small cloth doll on a flying carpet. A very innovative idea!
Geri used her items to create a colorful flower embellishment.
Another doll, this time a sweet flower doll on a flowerpot by Harlene, created with items from Donna's stash.
Anne used the items in her bag to assemble this humorous little doll that will make you smile.
Sue is ready for Halloween decorating with this very happy Pumpkin Lady.
Sharon was thinking even farther ahead and dreaming of an angel perfect for Christmas. She incorporated the items below, using the tassel for the angel's body plus the other items for adornment.
Above are the items Jennifer used to create the amazing book cover below.
Kudos to all our members who came up with such inventive ideas to meet the challenge!
Pictured above are numerous book pages Sharon has created and which she brought to the meeting to offer inspirational ideas. Below are completed or almost completed fabric pages from the meeting.
Above are the items from the bag challenge that Donna used to make the fabric page shown below.
Show and Tell

Betts brought so many exquisite things she has made using items from her vast assortment of vintage treasures purchased here or on her many trips to France, and many creations are the result of challenges with other groups both here and abroad.
She is especially talented at making beautiful tags.
And a hand sewn and embellished fabric heart.
Plus, a hanger from a dried flower challenge.
These lovely ladies are two more Tilda dolls made by Caroline. Wherever did she find those tiny vegetables? So cute!
We were so thrilled to have Colleen join us and share some of her latest amazing art created by pouring acrylic inks on glass, wood and ceramic tiles and sealing with resin. They are so colorful and beautiful.
Geri displayed this adorable little cabinet containing clothing she made for her collection of Hitty dolls.
Marcella is loving the alcohol ink experience and continuing to create beautiful paintings.
As is Suzanne, who experimented with Ranger's alcohol ink paper and created this lovely painting that looks like a watercolor.
Sue made this young lady whose bodice is made from paperback spines, and who is standing on and holding books. A very original theme.
This clever accordion folded book of collaged paper embellishment was made by Sharon. Another great innovation.
Donna has been making more cards—these incorporate pouring, spatter brush painting, and pigment lifting using a stencil and wet toothbrush.
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