The Phoebes' annual make it and take it community outreach event, "Make a Doll with the Kids" at the Alameda County Fair, was once again a smashing success. The event took place on Saturday, July 10, in the Fiber and Food Building (Hall of Commerce). The Phoebes have been hosting this event since 2005. It is a free event for all ages and it continues to bring joy to all who love crafting. During the year prior to each event, the Phoebes gather to make and stuff hundreds of doll bodies and mold doll faces made of clay, then donate boxes of embellishments. Participants can choose from ribbons, trims, leather, fur, sequins, fabrics, feathers, buttons, charms, etc. to create their own one-of-a-kind doll to take home and love. Phoebes are on hand to assist and man the glue guns.

What a great day! You can tell by the happy faces that everyone was thrilled—kids, moms, dads and the people from the fair. They can't wait to have us back again next year.

Thank you Shiela for storing and bringing all the "treasures"—you make it so much easier for the rest of us. Thank you Beth for bring Shirley and for the great homemade cookies! Thanks VonZetta for the bright and cheerful flyers. They are great advertisement for our club. And, thanks to the patient husbands who lugged, toted and carried. We appreciate you all more than you know.

One of the many husbands, boyfriends and fathers who enjoyed making a spectacular and creative doll.

One of the many husbands, boyfriends and fathers who enjoyed making a spectacular and creative doll.
Always the a great day for me!