Harlene was able to reserve her community clubhouse for the March Phoebe meeting. What a great place for us to meet! It was a beautiful warm and sunny day. The lovely venue was perfect for our meeting, show and tell, and the "Tiny Pin" enrichment session led by Anne.
April 13 Meeting, (Saturday). We hope to meet again at the Georgian Manor Community Center. Check your emails for confirmation. Drop-in social get-together will start at 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Business meeting will start at 1:30 P.M. Sharon will be showing us how to make decorated manilla folders (see photos on March post). She will be providing some of the materials (file folder, scrapbook paper, doily, some graphics and lace). She asks that you bring white glue, scissors, ruler, a pencil, and any special graphics or ephemera you might want to incorporate. Enrichment

Anne had sent everyone copies of Deb Shitil's patterns and instructions before the meeting, A big thanks to Deb for sharing them with us! Most Phoebes had cut out and stuffed the body parts so Anne could start tutoring the methods of sewing, assembling, and decorating the tiny figures. Some were people, others were animals, and each one was unique and adorable. It was an intensive amount of work and a test of manual dexterity, as well as time consuming. Most people took theirs home to finish. We hope we can see them completed at the next meeting. Thank you, Anne, for all the time and effort spent to enrich all of us!
Linda joined us on Zoom and sent a photo of the little darlings she had finished. 

Donna brought other types of pins she has received from Phoebe members over the years.
She also brought two pins and a nametag she had made in previous Phoebe challenges.
Marcella displayed her wonderful collection of assorted pins made by other artists.

Show and Tell
Colleen has been having a great deal of fun pouring various types of paint on ceramic tiles, which are then coated to permanently seal. She has also been pouring paint on white canvas backgrounds. These five tile photos are absolutely fantastic!
to incorporate
to incorporate

Sally shared her wonderful and whimsical painting of "Walking Houses" with us.
Betts created this cute fabric house embellished with lace from one of her favorite places, the lace museum.Betts celebrated Valentine's Day with an Anna Corba class. Anna supplied antique tea dyed baby dresses which each person decorated with items chosen from a multitude of vintage treasures Anna offered.
Betts had three nested boxes which she embellished with French papers, sheet music, French stamps, and vintage flowers. Perfect for storing her stamp collection.
Caroline brought packages of the tiny shoes to share with the pin makers. Sally cut out these cute animal graphics to give to Suzanne R, our "Animal Expert" who volunteers as a docent at the Oakland Zoo.
Sally displayed one of her latest art journals.
Each and every page is an original work of art.
Her creative imagination is always amazing.
Daisy exhibited a felted bird she just made, which pretty much matches the little house with sunflowers that Geri felted. The house will be part of a tiny scene in a teacup she is currently working on.
Sue is displaying her pretty felted bead necklace and several of her tiny pins.
Carolne and Jenifer have learned how to make 31/2" x 5" fabric origami butterflies from watching YouTube.