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Saturday, November 19, 2022

November 2022 Meeting


We were treated to delightful stories about buttons, as Betts shared her astonishing collection with great humor and expertise during the enrichment session. Her button cards are works of art that document history. Betts gave each of us a gift—a bag of supplies and instructions and ideas to make a button card. She also gave us a chance to rummage through her "poke box." What a treasure! Above are sample button cards Bett's has made.


 December 10, 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. (Saturday) Christmas Party at Barbara's Studio.  Barbara will lead us in celebrating the holiday season and also teach us to make a dainty paper shoe. Please bring a pair of scissors. You may bring a snack or something to share if you so desire.

January 8, (Saturday), 11 A.M. at Marcella's. Drop-in Social Get-together will be from 11:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. Business Meeting will start at 1:30 P.M. Please bring your completed challenge item from Sharon's enrichment.

Enrichment by Betts

Here are more samples of the button cards Betts has created by adding various collaged items from her stash.  

Here are more ideas for button embellishment. The very old book is a treasure she found at a flea market in Paris. Thank you, Betts, for your enlightenment and inspiration. 

Show and Tell

Geri displayed her collection of Halloween pins, some that she has collected and some that she has personally created. 

And Geri also shared examples of the exquisite greeting cards she has assembled so beautifully.

Betts brought some dolls that she has collected and some that she has made. She generously and freely offered them to members.

This is a photo of one of Donna's recent watercolor paintings.

 Caroline recently discovered some fabric in her stash that she had purchased a long time ago and used it to create this patchwork jacket. A very lovely and artistic creation.

 Jennifer framed this fabric nativity scene and then used some twisted metal mesh and wire, and fabric to make the hanger.

Barbara recently traveled to England for a class on hand stitchery conducted by Anna Corbas. She found the lovely old postcard in a small antique shop in Rye, UK for the journal, top right. She made the English stitcher pouch on the top left in a class by Mandy Patullo. And the dainty dress made from fabrics and trims was just for fun.  

Bonnie displayed her organizational skills by showing us how she has created reference samples that show her inventory of colors, rubber stamps, buttons and papers. That is ultimate organization!
Rosie and her daughter, Leslie, joined together to make 26 pints of guava jam. They had to de-seed the fruit before cooking, which was very time consuming. The jam turned out delicious! With the labels and colorful fabric covers, they will make wonderful Christmas presents. 

Rosie, who lives in La Quinta, has been participating in a local group to make kits for the "Dress a Girl Around the World" program. Here are examples of the finished dresses. The design has been updated since the Phoebes volunteered and sent many dresses to Africa. The dresses now have pockets, and a doll is also included.  Sally finished 5 new portrait and collage designs and used them as journal covers. Another great idea for gifts. 

Sue completed her gnome, plus another tiny, attached gnome. Note how she used the sock design for the facial features. She also made some little gnomes on sticks and created and beautifully painted the winged heart, part of a project she shared with her granddaughters. 
This is Sue's colorful Dia Des Los Muertas doll, 
aptly dressed for the occasion!