Shawn's artistic talents are based on her amazing ability to turn anything she finds into an artistic creation. Her enrichment presentation opened our eyes and revealed a new world of endless possibilities for finding materials for art projects. She displayed multiple items she made from bright and colorful fabrics, and found, recycled and reused objects and materials. We each created a layered paper college made with items most people have around the house. Thank you, Shawn, for your delightful humor, amusing stories, and wonderful presentation.
September 10 (Saturday) at Marcella's. Drop-in Social Get-together 11:00 to 1:30, Business Meeting at 1:30 P.M. The mystery bag exchange creation will be due at this meeting. Don't forget to take a photo of the bag contents before making your item and bring it to the meeting. Enrichment will be presented by Sharon.
October 8, (Saturday) at Daisy's Church in Alameda. Phoebe's Annual Anniversary Potluck Celebration. Bring a sweet or savory dish to share. Daisy will lead an enrichment session from 1 to 5 P.M. Watch for details in the Phoebe Newsletter and the meeting minutes.
November 12 (Saturday) at Marcella's. Drop-in Social Get-together 11:00 to 1:30, Business Meeting at 1:30 P.M.
December 10, 11 A.M. (Saturday) Christmas Party at Barbara's Studio. Barbara will teach us to make a dainty paper shoe. Watch for details in the Phoebe Newsletter and the meeting minutes.
Next Month's Enrichment
Sharon will be leading us next month in a fun and easy fabric collage project. She will be providing the fabric and requests that we bring a button or piece of jewelry for a focal point, and scissors. If you have Aleene's Tacky Glue, bring it, but if not, there will be some available at the meeting. The photos below are ideas for embelishments you may want to bring to make yours unique.

Show and Tell
Barbara brought some of her recent delicate and intricate vintage ladies from her trip to the Castle in France. She made the one above in a pressed flower challenge.
This risqué lady is on a gift tag.
Barbara even made a new travel doll for this trip. People are always glad to meet her travel dolls and have their photo taken with one.
Here is a lovely lady also protected in plastic until she can return to her display area in Barbara's studio.

And last, but not least—a ribbon decorated with graphics and script. All beautiful things!
A vintage needle sculpted from Marcella's collection.
Sally is prolific at producing drawings of ladies' expressive faces, decorated with watercolor or acrylic, pen and ink and collaged paper embellishments. 
They keep getting better...
and better...
and better, all the time. Very impressive!
Harlene shared this beautiful, sparkling bead necklace with wire connections.
And Geri is certainly ready for the holidays with these exquisite snowflake themed embellished cards. It must have taken her many hours to assemble them from the numerous pieces in this craft kit.
Daisy's modern adaptation of a peddler doll is this needle sculpted cloth doll on a bike with a cart of puppies being taken to be adopted. Wonderful!
Suzanne brought some of the clothes the ladies in Lafayette will be packing up to send out with the Stitchen' 4 Kids dolls. Suzanne has been making many hundreds of bead bracelets to match the outfits over the years.
She has also been taking fabric and stuffing for the sewing ladies and helping out on a regular basis. Please contact her if you would like to join her next month.
The doll costumes are so beautifully created by very skilled seamstresses, and the accessories, often knit or crochet, are unbelievable.
Bonnie, our club founder, was able to take a joyful trip recently to visit friends and relatives in Washington. While there, she got to visit with eleanor peace bailey, a co-founder and the person who chose the name for our club. Amazing eleanor has probably never missed crafting a day in her life. A one-time professional graphic artist, she has been working on books that display her artistic talents and gave Bonnie this one to take home with her. What a special gift!

Anne brought one of the cloth toys, an angel rabbit, that she created and marketed in the past. At the time she hand-created 6000 for an order from a store. Now we know why she is able to produce so many ceramic pieces in a short amount of time and why her shows are so successful.
This fabric pine tree and tiny elf were created by Caroline, using the vintage pattern below. Her's is even cuter than the one by the pattern maker.
Above and below are fabric cards sewn by former Phoebe Judy Fleck, who now lives in Florida. Thank you, Rosie, for enabling us to see what Judy is doing these days. Judy, we miss you!
Rosie recently discovered some striking printed paper graphics to create these awesome cards.
She has been volunteering at the La Quinta Library and finds the most amazing used books and magazines with wonderful art.
A great resource for all of us to investigate?
Donna finished a watercolor challenge of pouring watercolor paints to create subtle background shapes