The enrichment session for the July meeting featured an alcohol ink painting demonstration by Rosie and Donna, followed by make-it-and-take time for all to make small paintings by experimenting with the techniques involved.
August (Saturday) at Marcella's. Drop-in Social Get-together 11:00 to 1:30, Business Meeting at 1:30 P.M. Enrichment will be presented by Shawn.
September 9 (Saturday) at Marcella's. Drop-in Social Get-together 11:00 to 1:30, Business Meeting at 1:30 P.M. The mystery bag exchange creation will be due at this meeting. Don't forget to take a photo of the bag contents before making your item.
October 12 (Wednesday) Phoebe's Annual Anniversary Potluck Celebration. Watch for details in the Phoebe Newsletter and the meeting minutes.
Enrichment Photos
This is a sample painted by Rosie, which shows her fantastic abstract technique that incorporates artistic doodles with an ink pen.
The above example is one of Donna's floral paintings which includes ink pen doodles and some Scribbles 3D gold paint.
Below are samples of the wonderful paintings completed by participating Phoebe members.
Jennifer (painted on a domino)
Card Exchange
The challenge was to exchange names and send a 4th of July card to the person who's name you received. The amount of work that went into these beautiful cards is truly amazing.
From Caroline to Marcella
From Suzanne to Caroline
Kathy to Jennifer
Show and Tell
Marcella brought this wonderful "Topsy-Survey" doll which is actually two dolls in one.
When the skirt is pulled over the head of one side, another doll appears.