We had a great turn-out at the November meeting. It was a wonderful social event with lots of happy chatter, as well as a very productive business meeting. Our newly-elected President, Suzanne, presented an agenda which covered many details and possibilities for planning the coming new year. It looks to be an exciting year in 2022, filled with new art adventures, on-line classes that many members are planning to take, and in-person enrichment sessions at our group meetings. We hope to see you there!
No meeting in December. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Remember to mail your New Year's exchange card on time!
January 8, 2022 (Saturday) at Marcela's. Drop-in Social Get-together 11:00 to 1:30, Business Meeting at 1:30 P.M. Enrichment by Sue.
February 12 (Saturday) at Barbara's Studio. Drop-in Social Get-together starts at Noon. Business Meeting at 1:30 P.M. Enrichment by Barbara.
March 12 (Saturday) at Marcella's. Drop-in Social Get-together 11:00 to 1:30, Business Meeting at 1:30 P.M. Enrichment by Harlene.
Show and Tell

Barbara also made this shadowbox to display one of her amazingly crafted tiny dolls.
Sharon brought an example of her Finnabar collages on canvas. This one featured a variety of 3 dimensional items, including beautiful sea shells.
This wonderful quilted shoe was created and quilted by Bonnie in a recent "shoe" challenge.
Above and below are two recent mixed media collages by Bonnie.
Bonnie also shared her cloth sculptured tea pot doll.
Marcella displayed her whimsical little Mr. Rat, sculpted with clay and fabric.
This photo is of Sally's challenge display board, similar to Barbaras, but this is a folding book.
Geri created a journal to display her lovely die cut and collaged scenes with birds and flowers, like the ones she also puts on greeting cards. Each one is unique.
Sally brought several examples of her latest journal pages.
We love her whimsical sketched faces, watercolor, and paper collage, and are looking forward to her teaching a session on watercolor painting in March.