A Special Thanks to Jennifer, Anne and Kathy!
Our get-together this month was much more than the usual business meeting and show and tell segment—it was an all-day event during which three members also gave presentations and demonstrations. First, Jennifer handed everyone a packet which included all the materials, tools and instructions to make a bound book. The amount of time she obviously devoted to making and assembling the kit was amazing. She then patiently walked us through the whole process of putting together our books. The peek-a-boo lace and stitching on the spine was a special touch and each of us proudly went home with a little book to cherish.
Secondly, Anne explained in detail her basic steps and techniques for creating her very popular figures made using her wonderful ceramic heads, various types of tins for bodies, and beads, springs, dominoes, etc. for arms and legs. She shared with us many tips and tricks she has developed for assembling these components over the years. It was such a generous thing to do and she inspired us to make one on our own. They will be due in November.
Kathy led us in an exercise in fabric origami. She brought a grand assortment of brightly colored cotton fabrics and detailed instructions to create a curved-petal hexagon, a diamond-petal hexagon, a pentagon flower, an octagon flower, and a twelve-petal sunflower. The possibilities are amazing.
Again, thank you ladies for and intense but greatly rewarding day when we learned so many new techniques and went home immensely inspired to try new and different things. We must do an event like this more often!
Calendar of Events
September 22, (Sunday), 11 A.M. to 5 P.M., Art in the Vineyard at Wente Vineyard's Estate Winery, 5565 Tesla Rd., Livermore.
September 26-28 (Saturday), 1 to 4 P.M., 8th Annual Pleasanton Quilt, Craft and Sewing Festival, Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton. Free Admission.
September 28, (Saturday), Artistry in Fashion, Canada College, 4200 Farm Hill Rd., Redwood City. artistryinfashion.com/events/openhouse
September 26-28 (Saturday), 1 to 4 P.M., 8th Annual Pleasanton Quilt, Craft and Sewing Festival, Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton. Free Admission.
September 28, (Saturday), Artistry in Fashion, Canada College, 4200 Farm Hill Rd., Redwood City. artistryinfashion.com/events/openhouse
October 12, (Saturday), 1 to 6 P.M., Phoebe Meeting and Annual Potluck and Gift Exchange at Christ Episcopal Church, 1700 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda. This year we are celebrating the Phoebes' 32nd anniversary. Bring a sweet or savory dish to share and your gift for the exchange if you participated.
October 26, (Saturday), 9 A.M. to 3 P.M., FabMo Arts Boutique, First Congregational Church, 1985 Louis Rd, Palo Alto.
October 26, (Saturday), 9 A.M. to 3 P.M., FabMo Arts Boutique, First Congregational Church, 1985 Louis Rd, Palo Alto.
November 9, (Saturday), 1 to 4 P.M., Phoebe Meeting at Marcella's.
December—No meeting. Merry Christmas to all!
The Shoe Challenge

This month's challenge was to make something with a "shoe" theme. Some of the dollmakers found the perfect solution would be a doll in a shoe. Just in time for Halloween, Suzanne covered a real shoe with mosaic tiles and placed those famous witch legs from The Wizard of Oz into it. Fantastic idea!
This month's challenge was to make something with a "shoe" theme. Some of the dollmakers found the perfect solution would be a doll in a shoe. Just in time for Halloween, Suzanne covered a real shoe with mosaic tiles and placed those famous witch legs from The Wizard of Oz into it. Fantastic idea!
For this challenge Colleen sculpted felt to form this jolly elfin face—or perhaps a court jester? He fits perfectly in a whimsical ceramic shoe.
Daisy created the famous "old woman in a shoe" who had so many children she didn't know what to do. She does look perplexed! Very cute!
This colorful lady was sculpted from flowery fabric by Harlene and is comfortably seated on a shoe. Her bright orange yarn coif is the perfect addition.
Donna fashioned an elegant paper shoe, a la Marie Antionette.
And Linda created not one, but three beautiful paper shoes, complete with regal jeweled embellishments.
This antique child's shoe from Marcella's wonderful collections features an adorable mouse. Marcella used felt, beads and fabric to make this cute little guy.
Show and Tell
Colleen and members of her family had great fun collecting driftwood on the beach recently. Such unusual and inspiring pieces such as these led to this "driftwood babies" piece which features some of Colleen's sculpted ceramic heads. found sea glass, and a starfish. So original!
This sweet petite witch was made by Geri from a clever assortment of materials. Such a cute little face!
Jo, our wonderful quilter, has been making many, many of these "fire birds" in response the wildfires that have decimated so many nearby areas in California. What a colorful and happy way to brighten the spirits of those who have been affected.
Marjorie recently took an on-line class from famous doll-maker Marlene Verhelst and this is the amazing result. So much sculpting involved, including the fish-head body, but what a wonderful piece of art!
This lovely island mermaid is Sue's almost completed entry in the annual "Treasures of the Gypsy" challenge which Pamela Aramas conducts at the huge Houston, Texas quilt show. Everyone uses the same fabric chosen by Pamela, but Sue has cut out motifs and added colorful paints to make hers really unique. We wish Sue great success and hope she wins a prize!
Besides the wonderful witch legs in a shoe at the top of this post, Suzanne, who excels at mosaics (among many other things) just completed this great skull. She is definitely all set for a spooky Halloween!