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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Happy New Year to All

January 18th at the Education Building in Hayward was filled by a much enjoyed "Nasty Women" workshop led by Jo Magaraci from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. and the eventful Phoebe meeting from 6:30 to 9 P.M. Rosie was in charge of enrichment this month and organized a fun session where we stamped pattern tissues with various member's stamps. These can be replicated on our printers and used in various mixed media collages. Thank you, Rosie. Many colorful photos of all the day's activities follow, (workshop, challenge, exchange, show and tell).
Calendar Of Events 

February 15, 2018, (Thursday), Phoebe Meeting, 6:30 to 9 P.M., Alameda County Education Building, Hayward. Bring tiny dolls (yours or ones you have collected) for the Castro Valley Library display in March. Be sure to have your name on everything! Bring a doll head and unusual alternative material for doll hair.

March 1, (Thursday), Set up library display. Contact Suzanne if you would like to help. 

March 15, (Thursday), Phoebe Meeting, 6:30 to 9 P.M., Alameda County Education Building, Hayward.

March 17, (Saturday, 11 to 1), Outreach Make-it-and-Take-it at the Castro Valley Library. Volunteers are always appreciated. Contact Diane for info.

April 19, (Thursday), Betts Vidal Shadow Box Workshop, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., Alameda County Education Building, Hayward. Remember to buy your 12"x12"x1" shadow box before class and bring $$ for class fee.

 April 19, (Thursday), Phoebe Meeting, 6:30 to 9 P.M., Alameda County Education Building, Hayward.

Exchanges and Challenges

The buckle exchange or challenge was due at this meeting, as was the doll parts challenge. Those who participated came up with the following amazing creations.

Marcella used buckles for these two beautiful bracelets. One she gave away as an exchange, and one she kept for herself!

What a showcase for her lovely tapestry ribbon.

Donna made a necklace with a silk yoyo and attached a vintage mother of pearl buckle. She sculpted the Victorian hand bead from polymer clay.

Elizabeth used her recycled head to make a doll with a hand-maiden-like bonnet.

Harlene's adorable angel was made with a recycled head, and some hands she found at Hallmark.  

Shawn used various recycled doll parts for her assemblages. Note her Donald Trump doll with a large red button in an appropriate place.

Sue rescued Donna's fabric doll body with no head and sculpted a beautiful new one from polymer. The mermaid has been reborn as a striking beauty!

Colleen put together numerous legs and arms for this new life form. Colleen's imagination is an inspiration to us all!

"Nasty Women" Workshop

Members remarked on what a great time they had at Jo's "Nasty Women" fabric collage workshop. The results were truly amazing. With scissors, fusible webbing, and an iron, wonderful compositions took shape. Above and below are Colleen's creative pieces.

Daisy also completed two collages. The one on the left appears to be a self-portrait. So wonderful!

Marjorie made this sweet face with a cloud-like background.

Not sure if this one was done by Marjorie or Linda, but it is wonderful!

Harlene created the one above and Shawn the one below. Each and every one was so different and original.

Sue used a photo of her granddaughter printed on fusible fabric as the focal point for her collage. 

And Suzanne, a very talented and successful mosaic artist, created this fabric mosaic-like square.

Thank you, Jo, for a super workshop!

Show and Tell

Valentines Day is quickly approaching. If you are looking for ideas, check out some of the numerous items Bonnie brought to show and tell. These all have been created with a heart motif. Some are from paper, some are from fabric—all are beautiful. Thank you for sharing, Bonnie!

Betts shared her exquisite paper collages featuring an envelope she purchased in Paris. 

It was addressed to someone with the same last name as hers!

Marcella shared this cute little Scandinavian Santa from her doll collection.

Marjorie brought a Leslie Molen "Lightening Bug" doll. She is hoping for an opportunity to take a class from Leslie in the future.

And, she showed us her felt partridge in a pear tree ornaments. Perfect for the miniature doll display.

Sally is shown with one of her latest beautiful mixed media collages. She also displayed two book covers she made with washi tape (not shown).

Sue used mixed media, including polymer clay, for these amazing book covers. 

What a talented group we are!!!!!