The highlight of the meeting was Bonnie's talk and demonstration of how she makes her wonderful paper embellishments. Read the enrichment section below for details.
Calendar Of Events
July 8 and 9, (Saturday and Sunday), Clay and Glass Festival, 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., Palo Alto Art Center, 1313 Newell Rd., Palo Alto. Anne Klocko will be participating. Over 135 clay and glass artists, hands-on activities, demonstrations, gourmet food and coffee, free admission.
July 17 (Monday), Daisy's Fabric Leggy Bird or Dancing Mouse Workshop, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., Education Building. Contact Daisy to sign up at
July 20, (Thursday), Phoebe Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Alameda County Education Building, Hayward. This month's challenge is to bring a nameless nametag to exchange.
August 13 (Sunday), Daytime Phoebe Meeting at Recrafters in Alameda, 2449 Santa Clara Ave., Alameda. Time to be determined. Bring any craft materials, including fabric and yarn, that you would like to put on consignment. We will also be free to shop the store. There will be no evening meeting this month! No challenge or exchange this month.July 17 (Monday), Daisy's Fabric Leggy Bird or Dancing Mouse Workshop, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., Education Building. Contact Daisy to sign up at
July 20, (Thursday), Phoebe Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Alameda County Education Building, Hayward. This month's challenge is to bring a nameless nametag to exchange.
September 21, (Thursday), Phoebe Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Alameda County Education Building, Hayward. September will be the Phoebe's 30th Anniversary Celebration. We will be making tiny dolls and fairies to bring to this meeting and later use them for the Castro Valley Library exhibit in March 2018. A gala celebration party is being planned, date TBD.
October 16, (Monday), Elinor Wiley's Meditation Bead Workshop, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., Main Street. Free. Contact Daisy for information and to sign up.
Bonnie's Enrichment Presentation
Here are samples of some of Bonnie's embellishments. She used punched shapes to obtain a variety of designs.
Her continuing experimentation results in so many different layers of collaged pieces and 3D effects.
Show and Tell
Harlene found the perfect bark-like paper for the exterior of her house. She painstakingly assembled the roof from tiny twigs and added moss and stones to the base. So cute!
Donna used mostly cut watercolor pieces for the top story and added some paper clay vines, matchbox shutters and window box, and some pine cones and moss.

Sharon's is almost finished...after she spent much time taking apart a large pine cone and gluing the pieces on for the shingles. Sharon's glitters from top to bottom. Fairy dust?

For show and tell, Elizabeth shared some recent purchases—a tiny vintage child's sewing machine that still works and two beautiful greeting cards that feature hand embroidery stitching.
Rosie recently got together with Judy and had a blast making tiny house earrings from polymer clay. A must-try project.
And, Rosie is far ahead of most of us. She has already started making her tiny dolls for the Library exhibit next year. Love the detail on the pig faces.
Anne is busy preparing for her next show in Palo Alto in July (see calendar at top of this post). This absolutely adorable clay doll and her puppy will be in a tiny wagon and for sale at the show. Don't miss it!
Colleen has been making so many new beautiful quilts, but also took the time to make this "race track" for the stitchin' for kids project for children who are hospitalized. The boys will be able to drive their toy cars around this cloth track, and park them in the "garage" pockets. The afternoon prior to this meeting, many Phoebes came together with fabrics and sewing machines and made over 50 finished "crackle" pillows for babies—and assembled many more kits to be finished later.
Sharon is preparing for several holiday shows in the fall and also has a space in an antique store in Livermore. She has been on a roll painting and collaging canvases to sell at both. Above and below and three examples of her latest beautiful work.
Donna was thrilled to have her 10-year-old granddaughter, Giselle, request a day making dolls. Giselle had a clear idea of what she wanted to make as her first real doll—a pretty fairy-like doll with a unicorn horn and ears. Using a Nola pattern from Somerset Magazine, she stitched, turned stuffed, ladder-stitched and assembled the entire doll by herself—added felt ears, a horn made from the bottom of an ice cream cone wrapper—and drew and painted an original face. All in one afternoon!
Some are glazed for a ceramic look. Each itself is a work of art.
Her continuing experimentation results in so many different layers of collaged pieces and 3D effects.
Bonnie cleverly assembles sample books of her creations for later reference. Such a great idea!
The completed fairy houses from the Melissa Tereck workshop are starting to appear. Above is Sally's, complete with tiny lights and fairy figures. Love the stove pipe on top!
Donna used mostly cut watercolor pieces for the top story and added some paper clay vines, matchbox shutters and window box, and some pine cones and moss.
Sharon's is almost finished...after she spent much time taking apart a large pine cone and gluing the pieces on for the shingles. Sharon's glitters from top to bottom. Fairy dust?
And, Rosie is far ahead of most of us. She has already started making her tiny dolls for the Library exhibit next year. Love the detail on the pig faces.
Colleen has a new kiln and has been making so many beautiful pieces from fused glass. Love the colors and all the fine design details. Can't wait to see more.
She took the doll home to costume, and above is the completed doll. A new doll-maker on the rise!