The Phoebe challenge for the year will be a Tilda doll.
She will be due at the September meeting. Use any unaltered Tilda pattern you can find on line; make her between 10" and 16" tall; include a stand or chair to pose; props and accessories may be added to tell her story. Tilda is currently a hot item among doll makers around the world, especially in Russia. This one appears to be from Romania.
Calendar Of Events
February 19, (third Thursday), Phoebe Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Alameda County Office of Education, 313 W. Winton Ave, Hayward, CA. Bring trims, faces, and glitz for the library "make it and take it" if you have them. There will be a board meeting scheduled the same day at 4 P.M. at the Education Building. Bring your dinner, as there won't be time to go out between meetings. Using the pattern handout from Sally, please bring your creative envelopes with you. And, bring your 5'x7' mat board handed out at the last meeting, decorated with hearts.
February 27 and 28, Scrapbook Expo, Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton. Friday 10 to 6; Saturday 9 to 5. $10 entry and $10 parking in fairground lot. Other street parking usually available.
March 19, Phoebe Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Alameda County Office of Education, 313 W. Winton Ave, Hayward, CA. Altoid tin challenge will be due at this meeting.
September 17, Phoebe Meeting, 6:30 P.M., Alameda County Office of Education, 313 W. Winton Ave, Hayward, CA. The year-long Tilda doll challenge will be due at this meeting.
November 9 and 10, and November 12 and 13. Two Kate Church Workshops, 2-days each. Class space is limited to 8 people per class. Take one or both (they are each different). Contact Daisy at for information.
June 28, Alameda County Fair Make-It-And-Take-It Event
Challenges and Exchanges
Sharon has stepped up to be the head of challenges and exchanges. She has been busy planning exciting things for us to make during the coming year.
If you have not participated in the past, please take a moment to rethink participation. For one, think about the original art made by your Phoebe friends that you will acquire. Where else would you have this opportunity to obtain items FREE!
Second, this is not a competition! Participating in this activity is a way we can feel free to try new things, learn new techniques, and grow as artists. We have all passed along the same road... learning and daring to expand our horizons as we go. You will discover that each technique learned along the way can be applied to projects in other mediums. It is magic! A little of this and a little of that—it all combines to form a really unique and creative end, no mater if you are working on a doll, card, or any other type of art.
March Challenge
Sharon handed out the items for the March challenge at the January meeting. These include an Altoid tin, a piece of decorative stamped metal, and some bottle caps. Other than the tin, you don't have to use the other items in the kit—you can use anything you would like.
Rosie, who has had a lot of experience making these, talked to us about the techniques that may be used in their assembly.She also brought along some examples from her collection. Take a look and get inspired. You have a full two months to make this item.
Stephanie Smith's Polymer Workshop
Zanaib made some beautiful beads at the workshop.
So did Sharon. Just look at the possibilities!
Show and Tell
Pame brought her finished Frog Prince from Betts' workshop. Fabulous job—he's a very handsome prince.
We were all so happy to see Sally at the meeting and recovering well from her terrible accident. She brought some samples of paper surface decoration she learned at Roxanne's workshop. Painting them brought her great pleasure and helped her pass the time while recuperating.
Daisy brought a new black and white doll she made for the Castro Valley Library exhibit next month. And, she did another face. It turned out so wonderful!
Zanaib made a minion doll for the exhibit in the black, white and red colors required for the display. Cute!!!
And, she made another one in red and green.
And, still another very regal doll for the exhibit!
Wow, and she works full time, too!
Harlene was one of the several people who completed and brought in her eyeglass case challenge, which was due at the meeting. She attached beautiful butterflies to make a piece of lovely decorative art.
Suzanne also brought her amazing challenge item. She transformed the eyeglass case into a roadster, complete with bottle cap wheels that turn and a little driver, scarf flying in the air, and his cat riding along behind him. A very clever idea and a lot of engineering!
Suzanne also brought her amazing challenge item. She transformed the eyeglass case into a roadster, complete with bottle cap wheels that turn and a little driver, scarf flying in the air, and his cat riding along behind him. A very clever idea and a lot of engineering!
Donna has been obsessed by dominos. She brought one of the three domino books she recently made for show and tell. The other two were ultimately given as Christmas gifts.
Here is one of two pins she made—the other she gave to her friend Shelley for Christmas.

Above and below are three necklaces Donna recently made from dominos.