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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Upcoming Events

The February meeting's "make it and take it" project was a paper pinwheel
ornament created under the direction of Sharon Martin. Everyone made a beautiful paper creation to take home. We loved it!

Calendar of Events 2013

March 21, Phoebe Meeting, 6:30 P.M. at the Alameda County Education Building. The Exchange and Challenge theme for this month is "Spring" (green, flowers). Bring 5 buttons for the exchange. The challenge is a small item for yourself using theme buttons. Bring your pattern for the 1-year doll project (or choose from ones available at the meeting). Tami will be leading a "make it and take it" session, so bring your tool kit.

April 25-26, Deborah Pope Needle Felting Doll Workshop at the Boy Scout Building in San Leandro. Set up at 9 A.M. Contact Stephanie Smith at See Deborah Pope at

June 27-30, NIADA (National Institute of American Doll Artists) Convention to be held in the Bay Area. A doll-making school will be offered June 24-26.

June 29, Saturday, Phoebe Outreach Make it and Take it Day at the Alameda County Fair.

July 11-12, Leslie Molen “Ling Ling” Doll Workshop. Contact Stephanie Smith at See Leslie Molen at
This is a photo of the book project for Christine Delgadillo's workshop. It includes tiny drawers made from matchboxes.
October 3, Christine Delgadillo Altered Book Workshop, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. at the Alameda County Education Building. See Christine's work at   Contact Stephanie Smith at
Another sample of Christine Delgadillo's altered art—a desktop organizer
made with book pages.

One of Christine's altered books.

Beautiful beadwork brought by Ofelia Aguirre for "show and tell."
Anne Klocko brought her dresses made from various reused
metal objects.
Anne's dress made from a metal tin.
Two more fabulous examples of Anne's metal art.

Stephanie brought several sculptures in progress to show her use of
paper clay over cloth to build up facial features.