"Even though it is predicted to SNOW this weekend in the Bay Area, I know that spring is just around the corner. The days are getting a little longer, so when I come home from work, I’m not in the dark and that makes me very happy. I’m looking forward to so many wonderful classes we have lined up: Donna Perry’s crown class in April, Akira Blount’s marathon 5-day teaching seminar in May, and Daisy Kiehn’s Yoga Doll class in July. I can hardly wait to play." Laurie Scott, President, Flying Phoebes Spring Challenge and Exchange
For our April challenge we will be preparing for the June bookshop window. It will feature dolls dedicated to flowers. What does this mean? Your doll can "grow" out of a flowerpot, be dressed in flowers, and even be made from a flower. Some dolls will be able to be hung up (they can fly!). What will you make? Phoebes will have a bookstore display again in October (think Halloween) and February 2012 (think Valentines and hearts). So many excuses to play are coming up. Our April exchange is inspired by the fun we had with Anne Klocko. It is BUTTONS. You can make original poly clay buttons, make a little something out of buttons, or simply exchange a card of beauties you have collected.
New Doll Makers Enjoyed Phoebe Class On February 5, the Phoebes hosted a free beginning doll-making class at the Quilt Fans shop in Alameda. President Laurie Scott and Mary Porter Vaughan, assisted by Donna Perry, introduced seven aspiring students to the basics involved in making a cloth doll. The students saw many examples of Laurie and Mary’s fabulous dolls, as well as a sampling of the many books and magazines available on the subject. Laurie shared with them her list of “favorite things.” The class covered fabric choices, construction basics and stuffing techniques, plus tips for adding hair, clothing and embellishments. In March, Mary and Laurie conducted the second class in the series. In this class the students learned how to make hands and tiny turned fingers. Deborah Cain took the pancake doll and ran with it. She painted the body, adjusted the arms, and added a piece of jewelry for the head/face. Pretty neat!
Heather Kenney took her dolls to a zombie-themed party so they became "zombified." Great fun!

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orable fairy was created by Diane Carter at the first class.
Some of these students will be attending the April meeting. We are all so excited to be able to meet them!
Annual Auction The Phoebe Auction this year will be held on October 20. It is not too early to start thinking about it and putting things aside to donate. This is our main fundraiser for the year, so we would like maximum involvement from both
the Phoebes and the associates. We would like everyone to donate a piece of artwork, if possible. It can be a doll pin, small doll, or anything you would like to contribute. There will be more details in the next newsletter. This notice is just to get your creative juices flowing.
Happy Customers—Great Show! 
One customer, Jo, purchased four pins and a doll made by Zanaib at the Women's Craft Show at Fort Mason in San Francisco last November. The pins were given as Christmas presents to some of her friends. One recipient recently sent an e-mail and photo to the Phoebes, with a copy of the thank you she sent to Jo. "We got together for dinner the other night and showed off our lovely new pins. Thanks again for a wonderful evening and your memorable gift... will wear it proudly!"
Stump Doll - Make it and Take it! It is hoped that every Phoebe member and associate will participate in preparing for this coming year’s outreach events. The Phoebes will again be hosting “make it and take it” day at both the Alameda County Fair “Children’s Day” July 9, and a Girl Scout gathering at the Alameda Fairgrounds on May 5, 2012. At these events, participants will each get a stump doll to decorate, embellish, and take home with them. In order to have enough stump dolls for these two events, we are requesting everyone sew at least 25 bodies—more if possible! You do not need to turn or stuff them, as we will all participate in that during the future member and associate meetings. The Alameda County Fair event has a long history of success and popularity in the community, with an annual attendance of around 300 children, teens, and adults (including a surprising numbers of males). Phoebes not only make the bodies, but also make clay facemasks to be glued on the dolls, and provide wonderful things like ribbon, fabric, beads, fibers, buttons, leather, and more, to help make each doll a work of art to be loved and cherished. The Girl Scout event will be a new one for Phoebes and we are expecting a large turnout, as the projected attendence is 5,000 - 10,000 girls. Please plan to donate a little of your time by not only sewing stump doll bodies, but also volunteering to help on event days. It is a fun and personally rewarding endeavor. You will be glad you did!
The Postcard Exchange 
Judy Fleck recently suggested a postcard exchange between Phoebe members and eleven took up the challenge. The exchange started in January, with each participant expected to create and send out a total of 10 cards from January through April. Recipients will make a booklet containing the cards they have received and bring them to the April associate meeting for "show and tell." The exchange was a lot of hard work and tapping of creative energy... but SO REWARDING! Everyone has been amazed and thrilled by the cards they have received and eager to share them with all! A second exchange is being discussed for the future!