The next workshop to be offered by the Flying Phoebes will be held on April 21, starting at 9:30 a.m. at the Boy Scouts of America Building, 1001 Davis Street, San Leandro. Donna Perry will be teaching the construction and embellishment of crowns made from fabric, as well as paper. The first photo is of a crown made of lace fabric and embellished with ribbon rosettes, costume jewelry, a vintage photograph, metallic trim and silk and paper flowers. The pink bithday crown is made from cardboard, scrapbooking papers, paper pinwheels and crepe paper rosettes. Class participants will learn new embellishment techniques using foil, glitter and Angelina fibers, as well as making pinwheels and rosettes from fabric and paper. For more crown photos, go to http://dreamandplay.blogspot.com/. The class is $40 per person. Contact Colleen Patell at colleen.patell@gmail.com to sign up.
- Saturday, Feb. 5—Beginning Doll Making Class for Adults, FREE, 1 to 4 p.m., Quilt Fans, 2205 Harbor Bay Parkway, Alameda (510 749-6717). Contact Mary Porter Vaughan at mary@mpvdolls.com
- Feb. 25 to Mar. 7—Cruising 11 Days With Soft Dolls, Patti Culea, Cyndi Mahlstadt, Adele Sciorntino, http://www.clothdollcruises.com/
- Feb. 27 to Mar. 3—Art and Soul Retreat, Las Vegas: http://www.artandsoulretreats.com/
- Mar. 5, 6—Oakland Museum White Elephant Sale
- Mar. 5, 6—Manteca Quilt and Doll Show, whoanellybelle@yahoo.com
- Mar. 24 to 26—Rusty Barn Quilt Show, Sacramento Fairgrounds
- Thursday, Apr. 21—Phoebe Associate Meeting, Boys and Girls Club, 401 Marina Blvd., San Leandro. Enrichment: Donna Perry will demonstrate new materials for foiling and glittering on fabric, and making Angelina embellishments using rubber stamps. The challenge for the meeting will be to make a doll based on flowers—made of flowers, dressed in flowers, or in a flowerpot. These dolls will be exhibited in "The Book Shop" window display in July. The exchange for the April meeting is someing incorporating buttons. The interpretation is up to you, but possibilities could include a couple of exquisite buttons, a button bracelet or necklace, a string of unique buttons, a card of doll buttons, or a small handmade item using buttons. It is always exciting to see the varied and wonderful items created in response to an exchange or a challenge!
- Apr. 28 to May 1—Artistic Figures in Cloth, Columbus, OH, http://www.cyndysdolls.com/
- May 27 to June 1—Five-day Akira Blount Doll Class presented by the Flying Phoebes. Contact Colleen Patell and colleen.patell@gmail.com